Windows Win32 API using Standard C++
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Credentials API


struct  winstd::CredFree_delete< _Ty >
 Deleter for unique_ptr using CredFree. More...
struct  winstd::CredFree_delete< _Ty[]>
 Deleter for unique_ptr to array of unknown size using CredFree. More...


template<class _Traits , class _Ax >
static BOOL CredProtectA (BOOL fAsSelf, LPCSTR pszCredentials, DWORD cchCredentials, std::basic_string< char, _Traits, _Ax > &sProtectedCredentials, CRED_PROTECTION_TYPE *ProtectionType)
 Encrypts the specified credentials so that only the current security context can decrypt them.
template<class _Traits , class _Ax >
static BOOL CredProtectW (BOOL fAsSelf, LPCWSTR pszCredentials, DWORD cchCredentials, std::basic_string< wchar_t, _Traits, _Ax > &sProtectedCredentials, CRED_PROTECTION_TYPE *ProtectionType)
 Encrypts the specified credentials so that only the current security context can decrypt them.
template<class _Traits , class _Ax >
static BOOL CredUnprotectA (BOOL fAsSelf, LPCSTR pszProtectedCredentials, DWORD cchCredentials, std::basic_string< char, _Traits, _Ax > &sCredentials)
 Decrypts credentials that were previously encrypted by using the CredProtect function.
template<class _Traits , class _Ax >
static BOOL CredUnprotectW (BOOL fAsSelf, LPCWSTR pszProtectedCredentials, DWORD cchCredentials, std::basic_string< wchar_t, _Traits, _Ax > &sCredentials)
 Decrypts credentials that were previously encrypted by using the CredProtect function.
static BOOL CredEnumerateA (LPCSTR Filter, DWORD Flags, DWORD *Count, std::unique_ptr< PCREDENTIALA[], winstd::CredFree_delete< PCREDENTIALA[]> > &cCredentials) noexcept
 Enumerates the credentials from the user's credential set. The credential set used is the one associated with the logon session of the current token. The token must not have the user's SID disabled.
static BOOL CredEnumerateW (LPCWSTR Filter, DWORD Flags, DWORD *Count, std::unique_ptr< PCREDENTIALW[], winstd::CredFree_delete< PCREDENTIALW[]> > &cCredentials) noexcept
 Enumerates the credentials from the user's credential set. The credential set used is the one associated with the logon session of the current token. The token must not have the user's SID disabled.

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ CredEnumerateA()

static BOOL CredEnumerateA ( LPCSTR Filter,
DWORD Flags,
DWORD * Count,
std::unique_ptr< PCREDENTIALA[], winstd::CredFree_delete< PCREDENTIALA[]> > & cCredentials )

Enumerates the credentials from the user's credential set. The credential set used is the one associated with the logon session of the current token. The token must not have the user's SID disabled.

See also
CredEnumerate function

◆ CredEnumerateW()

static BOOL CredEnumerateW ( LPCWSTR Filter,
DWORD Flags,
DWORD * Count,
std::unique_ptr< PCREDENTIALW[], winstd::CredFree_delete< PCREDENTIALW[]> > & cCredentials )

Enumerates the credentials from the user's credential set. The credential set used is the one associated with the logon session of the current token. The token must not have the user's SID disabled.

See also
CredEnumerate function

◆ CredProtectA()

template<class _Traits , class _Ax >
static BOOL CredProtectA ( BOOL fAsSelf,
LPCSTR pszCredentials,
DWORD cchCredentials,
std::basic_string< char, _Traits, _Ax > & sProtectedCredentials,

Encrypts the specified credentials so that only the current security context can decrypt them.

See also
CredProtect function

◆ CredProtectW()

template<class _Traits , class _Ax >
static BOOL CredProtectW ( BOOL fAsSelf,
LPCWSTR pszCredentials,
DWORD cchCredentials,
std::basic_string< wchar_t, _Traits, _Ax > & sProtectedCredentials,

Encrypts the specified credentials so that only the current security context can decrypt them.

See also
CredProtect function

◆ CredUnprotectA()

template<class _Traits , class _Ax >
static BOOL CredUnprotectA ( BOOL fAsSelf,
LPCSTR pszProtectedCredentials,
DWORD cchCredentials,
std::basic_string< char, _Traits, _Ax > & sCredentials )

Decrypts credentials that were previously encrypted by using the CredProtect function.

See also
CredUnprotect function

◆ CredUnprotectW()

template<class _Traits , class _Ax >
static BOOL CredUnprotectW ( BOOL fAsSelf,
LPCWSTR pszProtectedCredentials,
DWORD cchCredentials,
std::basic_string< wchar_t, _Traits, _Ax > & sCredentials )

Decrypts credentials that were previously encrypted by using the CredProtect function.

See also
CredUnprotect function