Additional templates and function helpers for wxWidgets
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Classes | Macros | Enumerations | Functions


class  wxAppBar< W >
 Dockable application bar template. More...
class  wxAppBarFrame
 Dockable application bar frame. More...
class  wxAppBarDialog
 Dockable application bar dialog. More...
class  wxCoInitializer
 Create an object of this class on stack to initialize/cleanup the COM automatically. More...
class  wxCryptoSession
 Cryptographics Session Base Class. More...
class  wxCryptoSessionRSAAES
 RSA AES Cryptographics Session. More...
class  wxCryptoHash
 Cryptographics Hash Base. More...
class  wxCryptoHashSHA1
 SHA-1 Cryptographics Hash. More...
class  wxCryptoKey
 Cryptographics Key Base. More...
class  wxPersistentAuiManager
 Supports saving/restoring wxAuiManager state. More...
class  wxPersistentTLWEx
 Supports saving/restoring wxTopLevelWindow state. More...
class  wxHexValidatorBase
 Base class for hexadecimal validator. More...
class  wxHexValidator< T >
 Validator for hexadecimal entries. More...
class  wxHostNameValidator
 Validator for host name. More...
class  wxFQDNValidator
 Validator for FQDN. More...
class  wxFQDNListValidator
 Validator for FQDN lists. More...


 Application bar auto-hide timer ID.
#define wxABT_AUTOHIDETIME   300
 Application bar auto-hide timer timeout.
 Application bar auto-hide timer interval.
#define WM_AB_NOTIFY   0x6f00
 Posted to notify application bar about system changes.
#define wxABF_ALLOWFLOAT   (1 << 0)
 Dockable application bar flags.
#define wxABF_ALLOWDOCKTOP   (1 << 1)
 Is docking on top of the screen allowed?
#define wxABF_ALLOWDOCKBOTTOM   (1 << 2)
 Is docking on bottom of the screen allowed?
#define wxABF_ALLOWDOCKLEFT   (1 << 3)
 Is docking left of the screen allowed?
#define wxABF_ALLOWDOCKRIGHT   (1 << 4)
 Is docking right of the screen allowed?
 Is docking at any edge of the screen allowed?
 Is docking on top or bottom of the screen allowed?
 Is docking left or right of the screen allowed?
 Is floating and docking at any edge of the screen allowed?
#define wxABF_ALWAYSONTOP   (1 << 5)
 Is application bar always on top?
#define wxABF_ALWAYSONTOPTASKBAR   (1 << 6)
 Does application bar follow always on top state of the system taskbar?
#define wxABF_AUTOHIDE   (1 << 7)
 Is application bar setup for auto-hide?
#define wxABF_AUTOHIDETASKBAR   (1 << 8)
 Does application bar follow auto-hide state of the system taskbar?
#define wxABF_ALLOWSIZING   (1 << 9)
 Is application bar's sizing allowed?
 Should application bar's tab on the system taskbar hide when floating?
 Should application bar's tab on the system taskbar hide when docked?
 Should application bar's tab on the system taskbar hide always?
#define wxABF_FULLSCREENAPPOPEN   (1 << 12)
 Is full-screen application open?
#define wxABF_AUTOHIDDEN   (1 << 13)
 Is application bar auto-hidden right now?
#define wxEXTEND_VERSION   0x01050300
 wxExtend Version
#define wxEXTEND_VERSION_MAJ   1
 wxExtend Major Version
#define wxEXTEND_VERSION_MIN   5
 wxExtend Minor Version
#define wxEXTEND_VERSION_REV   3
 wxExtend Revision
 wxExtend Build
#define wxEXTEND_VERSION_STR   "1.5.3"
 wxExtend Displayable Version
#define wxEXTEND_BUILD_YEAR_STR   "2022"
 wxExtend Build Year
#define wxExtendVersion   "15"
 wxExtend API Version
#define _WINSOCKAPI_
 Public function calling convention.
#define wxVERIFY(cond)   (cond)
 Test if condition is true. When not true, raise debug assertion with the given message.
#define wxPERSIST_AUIMGR_KIND   "AuiManager"
 wxPersistentAuiManager kind for persistent storage
#define wxPERSIST_AUIMGR_PERSPECTIVE   "perspective"
 Name of the persistent storage variable for saving Aui manager state.


enum class  wxAppBarState {
  UNKNOWN = -2 , wxAppBarState::FLOAT = -1 , wxAppBarState::LEFT = ABE_LEFT , wxAppBarState::TOP = ABE_TOP ,
  wxAppBarState::RIGHT = ABE_RIGHT , wxAppBarState::BOTTOM = ABE_BOTTOM
 Dockable application bar states. More...
enum class  wxHexDecodeMode { wxHexDecodeMode::Strict , wxHexDecodeMode::SkipWS , wxHexDecodeMode::Relaxed }
 Elements of this enum specify the possible behaviours of wxHexDecode() when an invalid character is encountered. More...
enum  wxHexValidatorStyle { wxNUM_VAL_HEX_LOWERCASE = 0x1000 }
 Bit masks used for hexadecimal validator styles.


bool wxAppBarIsDocked (wxAppBarState state)
 Returns if the application bar state represents docked state.
bool wxAppBarIsDockedVert (wxAppBarState state)
 Returns if the application bar state represents vertically docked state.
bool wxAppBarIsDockedHoriz (wxAppBarState state)
 Returns if the application bar state represents horizontally docked state.
WXHWND wxAppBarGetZWnd (wxAppBarState state, int flags)
 Returns the window above which to Z-order the application bar.
UINT_PTR wxAppBarGetTaskBarState ()
 Returns the current taskbar state.
bool WXEXTEND_API wxAuiManagerUpdatePerspectiveCaptions (wxAuiManager &mgr, wxString &perspective)
 Updates perspective captions with matching captions from panes.
bool wxGetDoWndAnimation ()
 Returns whether windows animation is enabled.
bool wxModifyStyleEx (WXHWND hWnd, DWORD dwRemove, DWORD dwAdd, UINT nFlags=0)
 Modifies window extended style.
bool wxInitializeLocale (wxLocale &locale, wxLanguage *language=NULL)
 Inizializes wxWidgets localization scheme.
bool WXEXTEND_API wxCryptoVerifySignature (const wxCryptoHash &hash, _In_reads_bytes_(signature_size) const void *signature_data, size_t signature_size, const wxCryptoKey &key)
 Verifies if the hash matches signature and the public key.
bool wxCryptoVerifySignature (const wxCryptoHash &hash, const wxMemoryBuffer &signature, const wxCryptoKey &key)
 Verifies if the hash matches signature and the public key.
constexpr size_t wxHexEncodedSize (size_t len) noexcept
 Return the size needed for the buffer containing the encoded representation of a buffer of given length.
size_t WXEXTEND_API wxHexEncode (char *dst, size_t dstLen, const void *src, size_t srcLen)
 Raw hex encoding function which encodes the contents of a buffer of the specified length into the buffer of the specified size.
wxString wxHexEncode (const void *src, size_t srcLen)
 Hex encoding function which encodes the contents of a buffer of the specified length into the wxString.
wxString wxHexEncode (const wxMemoryBuffer &buf)
 Hex encoding function which encodes the contents of a buffer into the wxString.
constexpr size_t wxHexDecodedSize (size_t len) noexcept
 Return the buffer size necessary for decoding a hex string of the given length.
size_t WXEXTEND_API wxHexDecode (void *dst, size_t dstLen, const char *src, size_t srcLen=wxNO_LEN, wxHexDecodeMode mode=wxHexDecodeMode::Strict, size_t *posErr=NULL)
 Raw decoding function which decodes the contents of the string of specified length (or zero terminated by default) into the provided buffer of the given size.
size_t wxHexDecode (void *dst, size_t dstLen, const wxString &src, wxHexDecodeMode mode=wxHexDecodeMode::Strict, size_t *posErr=NULL)
 Decoding function which decodes the contents of the string into the provided buffer of the given size.
wxMemoryBuffer WXEXTEND_API wxHexDecode (const char *src, size_t srcLen=wxNO_LEN, wxHexDecodeMode mode=wxHexDecodeMode::Strict, size_t *posErr=NULL)
 Decoding function which decodes the contents of the string of specified length (or zero terminated by default) into the buffer.
wxMemoryBuffer wxHexDecode (const wxString &src, wxHexDecodeMode mode=wxHexDecodeMode::Strict, size_t *posErr=NULL)
 Decoding function which decodes the contents of the string into the buffer.
wxPersistentObject * wxCreatePersistentObject (wxAuiManager *mgr)
 wxAuiManager's instantiation of wxCreatePersistentObject template
bool wxURLIsProtected (char chr)
 Test if given character should be protected for URL encoding.
size_t wxURLEncodedSize (size_t len)
 Return the size needed for the buffer containing the encoded representation of a string of given length.
size_t WXEXTEND_API wxURLEncode (char *dst, size_t dstLen, const char *src, size_t srcLen)
 Raw URL encoding function which encodes the contents of a string of the specified length into the buffer of the specified size.
wxString wxURLEncode (const char *src, size_t srcLen)
 URL encoding function which encodes the contents of a string of the specified length into the wxString.
wxString wxURLEncode (const wxString &str)
 URL encoding function which encodes the contents of a string into the wxString.
wxString wxURLEncode (const wxMemoryBuffer &buf)
 URL encoding function which encodes the contents of a buffer into the wxString.
size_t wxURLDecodedSize (size_t len)
 Return the buffer size necessary for decoding a URL string of the given length.
size_t WXEXTEND_API wxURLDecode (char *dst, size_t dstLen, const char *src, size_t srcLen=wxNO_LEN)
 Raw decoding function which decodes the contents of the string of specified length (or zero terminated by default) into the provided buffer of the given size.
size_t wxURLDecode (char *dst, size_t dstLen, const wxString &src)
 Decoding function which decodes the contents of the string into the provided buffer of the given size.
wxMemoryBuffer WXEXTEND_API wxURLDecode (const char *src, size_t srcLen=wxNO_LEN)
 Decoding function which decodes the contents of the string of specified length (or zero terminated by default) into the buffer.
wxMemoryBuffer wxURLDecode (const wxString &src)
 Decoding function which decodes the contents of the string into the buffer.
wxString wxXmlEscapeText (const wxString &str)
 Escapes text string for XML insertion.
wxString wxXmlEscapeAttr (const wxString &str)
 Escapes attribute value string for XML insertion.
bool WXEXTEND_API wxXmlHashNode (wxCryptoHash &hash, const wxXmlNode *node)
 Calculates hash of the node and all its children.

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation


#define WM_AB_NOTIFY   0x6f00

Posted to notify application bar about system changes.

[in]wParamEvent identifier. One of the following values
  • ABN_FULLSCREENAPP Notifies an appbar when a full-screen application is opening or closing. lParam is boolean flag specifying whether a full-screen application is opening or closing. This parameter is TRUE if the application is opening or FALSE if it is closing.
  • ABN_POSCHANGED Notifies an appbar when an event has occurred that may affect the appbar's size and position. Events include changes in the taskbar's size, position, and visibility state, as well as the addition, removal, or resizing of another appbar on the same side of the screen. lParam is not used.
  • ABN_STATECHANGE Notifies an appbar that the taskbar's autohide or always-on-top state has changed—that is, the user has selected or cleared the "Always on top" or "Auto hide" check box on the taskbar's property sheet. lParam is not used.
[in]lParamEvent specific. See wParam for details.


#define wxABF_ALLOWFLOAT   (1 << 0)

Dockable application bar flags.

Is floating application bar allowed?


#define wxVERIFY ( cond)    (cond)

Test if condition is true. When not true, raise debug assertion with the given message.

Test if condition is true. When not true, raise debug assertion.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ wxAppBarState

enum class wxAppBarState

Dockable application bar states.


Application bar is floating on the desktop (normal window)


Application bar is docked at the left edge of the desktop.


Application bar is docked at the top edge of the desktop.


Application bar is docked at the right edge of the desktop.


Application bar is docked at the bottom edge of the desktop.

◆ wxHexDecodeMode

enum class wxHexDecodeMode

Elements of this enum specify the possible behaviours of wxHexDecode() when an invalid character is encountered.


Normal behaviour: stop at any invalid characters.


Skip whitespace characters.


The most lenient behaviour: simply ignore all invalid characters.

Function Documentation

◆ wxAppBarGetTaskBarState()

UINT_PTR wxAppBarGetTaskBarState ( )

Returns the current taskbar state.

The taskbar state
See also
SHAppBarMessage function

◆ wxAppBarGetZWnd()

WXHWND wxAppBarGetZWnd ( wxAppBarState state,
int flags )

Returns the window above which to Z-order the application bar.

[in]stateThe state of the application bar
[in]flagsThe flags of the application bar
The handle of the window

◆ wxAppBarIsDocked()

bool wxAppBarIsDocked ( wxAppBarState state)

Returns if the application bar state represents docked state.

[in]stateThe state of the application bar
  • true if the application bar state represents docked state
  • false otherwise

◆ wxAppBarIsDockedHoriz()

bool wxAppBarIsDockedHoriz ( wxAppBarState state)

Returns if the application bar state represents horizontally docked state.

[in]stateThe state of the application bar
  • true if the application bar state represents horizontally docked state
  • false otherwise

◆ wxAppBarIsDockedVert()

bool wxAppBarIsDockedVert ( wxAppBarState state)

Returns if the application bar state represents vertically docked state.

[in]stateThe state of the application bar
  • true if the application bar state represents vertically docked state
  • false otherwise

◆ wxAuiManagerUpdatePerspectiveCaptions()

bool WXEXTEND_API wxAuiManagerUpdatePerspectiveCaptions ( wxAuiManager & mgr,
wxString & perspective )

Updates perspective captions with matching captions from panes.

[in]mgrwxAUI manager
[in,out]perspectivePerspective string to update captions in
  • true when update succeeded
  • false otherwise

◆ wxCryptoVerifySignature() [1/2]

bool WXEXTEND_API wxCryptoVerifySignature ( const wxCryptoHash & hash,
_In_reads_bytes_(signature_size) const void * signature_data,
size_t signature_size,
const wxCryptoKey & key )

Verifies if the hash matches signature and the public key.

[in]signature_dataPointer to signature data
[in]signature_sizeSignature data size in bytes
[in]keyPublic key
  • true if verification succeeded and the hash matches
  • false otherwise

◆ wxCryptoVerifySignature() [2/2]

bool wxCryptoVerifySignature ( const wxCryptoHash & hash,
const wxMemoryBuffer & signature,
const wxCryptoKey & key )

Verifies if the hash matches signature and the public key.

[in]signatureSignature data
[in]keyPublic key
  • true if verification succeeded and the hash matches
  • false otherwise

◆ wxGetDoWndAnimation()

bool wxGetDoWndAnimation ( )

Returns whether windows animation is enabled.

  • true when window animation is enabled
  • false otherwise

◆ wxHexDecode() [1/4]

wxMemoryBuffer WXEXTEND_API wxHexDecode ( const char * src,
size_t srcLen = wxNO_LEN,
wxHexDecodeMode mode = wxHexDecodeMode::Strict,
size_t * posErr = NULL )

Decoding function which decodes the contents of the string of specified length (or zero terminated by default) into the buffer.

The function normally stops at any character invalid inside a hex-encoded string (i.e. not numeric nor 'A-Z' nor 'a-z') but can be made to skip the whitespace or all invalid characters using its mode argument

[in]srcSource buffer to decode
[in]srcLenLength of src buffer (in characters) or wxNO_LEN for zero terminated strings
[in]modeDesired behaviour on invalid characters (one of wxHexDecodeMode constants)
[out]posErrError offset in source buffer (in characters)
Destination buffer with decoded data or an empty buffer if an error occured during decoding

◆ wxHexDecode() [2/4]

wxMemoryBuffer wxHexDecode ( const wxString & src,
wxHexDecodeMode mode = wxHexDecodeMode::Strict,
size_t * posErr = NULL )

Decoding function which decodes the contents of the string into the buffer.

The function normally stops at any character invalid inside a hex-encoded string (i.e. not numeric nor 'A-Z' nor 'a-z') but can be made to skip the whitespace or all invalid characters using its mode argument

[in]srcSource string to decode
[in]modeDesired behaviour on invalid characters (one of wxHexDecodeMode constants)
[out]posErrError offset in source buffer (in characters)
Destination buffer with decoded data or an empty buffer if an error occured during decoding

◆ wxHexDecode() [3/4]

size_t WXEXTEND_API wxHexDecode ( void * dst,
size_t dstLen,
const char * src,
size_t srcLen = wxNO_LEN,
wxHexDecodeMode mode = wxHexDecodeMode::Strict,
size_t * posErr = NULL )

Raw decoding function which decodes the contents of the string of specified length (or zero terminated by default) into the provided buffer of the given size.

The function normally stops at any character invalid inside a hex-encoded string (i.e. not numeric nor 'A-Z' nor 'a-z') but can be made to skip the whitespace or all invalid characters using its mode argument

[out]dstDestination buffer to receive decoded data
[in]dstLenLength of dst buffer (in bytes)
[in]srcSource buffer to decode
[in]srcLenLength of src buffer (in characters) or wxNO_LEN for zero terminated strings
[in]modeDesired behaviour on invalid characters (one of wxHexDecodeMode constants)
[out]posErrError offset in source buffer (in characters)
The length of the decoded data or wxCONV_FAILED if an error occurs such as the buffer is too small or the encoded string is invalid; in the latter case the posErr is filled with the position where the decoding stopped if it is not NULL

◆ wxHexDecode() [4/4]

size_t wxHexDecode ( void * dst,
size_t dstLen,
const wxString & src,
wxHexDecodeMode mode = wxHexDecodeMode::Strict,
size_t * posErr = NULL )

Decoding function which decodes the contents of the string into the provided buffer of the given size.

The function normally stops at any character invalid inside a hex-encoded string (i.e. not numeric nor 'A-Z' nor 'a-z') but can be made to skip the whitespace or all invalid characters using its mode argument

[out]dstDestination buffer to receive decoded data
[in]dstLenLength of dst buffer (in bytes)
[in]srcSource string to decode
[in]modeDesired behaviour on invalid characters (one of wxHexDecodeMode constants)
[out]posErrError offset in source buffer (in characters)
The length of the decoded data or wxCONV_FAILED if an error occurs such as the buffer is too small or the encoded string is invalid; in the latter case the posErr is filled with the position where the decoding stopped if it is not NULL

◆ wxHexDecodedSize()

constexpr size_t wxHexDecodedSize ( size_t len)

Return the buffer size necessary for decoding a hex string of the given length.

[in]lenLength of the hex encoded string
Maximum decoded representation size (in bytes)

◆ wxHexEncode() [1/3]

size_t WXEXTEND_API wxHexEncode ( char * dst,
size_t dstLen,
const void * src,
size_t srcLen )

Raw hex encoding function which encodes the contents of a buffer of the specified length into the buffer of the specified size.

[out]dstDestination buffer to receive Hex encoded data
[in]dstLenLength of dst buffer (in characters)
[in]srcSource buffer to encode
[in]srcLenLength of src buffer (in bytes)
The length of the encoded data or wxCONV_FAILED if the buffer is not large enough; to determine the needed size you can either allocate a buffer of wxHexEncodedSize(srcLen) size or call the function with NULL buffer in which case the required size will be returned

◆ wxHexEncode() [2/3]

wxString wxHexEncode ( const void * src,
size_t srcLen )

Hex encoding function which encodes the contents of a buffer of the specified length into the wxString.

[in]srcSource buffer to encode
[in]srcLenLength of src buffer (in bytes)
The hex encoded string

◆ wxHexEncode() [3/3]

wxString wxHexEncode ( const wxMemoryBuffer & buf)

Hex encoding function which encodes the contents of a buffer into the wxString.

[in]bufSource buffer to encode
The hex encoded string

◆ wxHexEncodedSize()

constexpr size_t wxHexEncodedSize ( size_t len)

Return the size needed for the buffer containing the encoded representation of a buffer of given length.

[in]lenLength of the buffer
Maximum encoded representation size (in characters)

◆ wxInitializeLocale()

bool wxInitializeLocale ( wxLocale & locale,
wxLanguage * language = NULL )

Inizializes wxWidgets localization scheme.

The language identifier is read from Language configuration string ("ll_CC" form expected). The path to folder containing localization catalogue PO files is read from LocalizationRepositoryPath configuration string.

[in,out]localeLocale to initialize
[out]languageTranslation language
  • true when initialization succeeded
  • false otherwise

◆ wxModifyStyleEx()

bool wxModifyStyleEx ( WXHWND hWnd,
DWORD dwRemove,
DWORD dwAdd,
UINT nFlags = 0 )

Modifies window extended style.

[in]hWndHandle of the window to modify.
[in]dwRemoveSet of extended styles to remove.
[in]dwAddSet of extended styles to add.
[in]nFlagsAdditional SWP_ flags to pass to SetWindowPos(). If zero, SetWindowPos() is not called.
  • true when the window extended style was modified
  • false if the window extended style was not neccessary

◆ wxURLDecode() [1/4]

size_t WXEXTEND_API wxURLDecode ( char * dst,
size_t dstLen,
const char * src,
size_t srcLen = wxNO_LEN )

Raw decoding function which decodes the contents of the string of specified length (or zero terminated by default) into the provided buffer of the given size.

[out]dstDestination buffer to receive decoded data
[in]dstLenLength of dst buffer (in bytes)
[in]srcSource buffer to decode
[in]srcLenLength of src buffer (in characters) or wxNO_LEN for zero terminated strings
The length of the decoded data or wxCONV_FAILED if the buffer is not large enough; to determine the needed size you can either allocate a buffer of wxURLDecodedSize(srcLen) size or call the function with NULL string in which case the required size will be returned

◆ wxURLDecode() [2/4]

size_t wxURLDecode ( char * dst,
size_t dstLen,
const wxString & src )

Decoding function which decodes the contents of the string into the provided buffer of the given size.

[out]dstDestination buffer to receive decoded data
[in]dstLenLength of dst buffer (in bytes)
[in]srcSource string to decode
The length of the decoded data or wxCONV_FAILED if the buffer is not large enough; to determine the needed size you can either allocate a buffer of wxURLDecodedSize(srcLen) size or call the function with NULL string in which case the required size will be returned

◆ wxURLDecode() [3/4]

wxMemoryBuffer WXEXTEND_API wxURLDecode ( const char * src,
size_t srcLen = wxNO_LEN )

Decoding function which decodes the contents of the string of specified length (or zero terminated by default) into the buffer.

[in]srcSource buffer to decode
[in]srcLenLength of src buffer (in characters) or wxNO_LEN for zero terminated strings
Destination buffer with decoded data or an empty buffer if an error occured during decoding

◆ wxURLDecode() [4/4]

wxMemoryBuffer wxURLDecode ( const wxString & src)

Decoding function which decodes the contents of the string into the buffer.

[in]srcSource string to decode
Destination buffer with decoded data or an empty buffer if an error occured during decoding

◆ wxURLDecodedSize()

size_t wxURLDecodedSize ( size_t len)

Return the buffer size necessary for decoding a URL string of the given length.

[in]lenLength of the URL encoded string
Maximum decoded representation size (in bytes)

◆ wxURLEncode() [1/4]

size_t WXEXTEND_API wxURLEncode ( char * dst,
size_t dstLen,
const char * src,
size_t srcLen )

Raw URL encoding function which encodes the contents of a string of the specified length into the buffer of the specified size.

[out]dstDestination buffer to receive URL encoded data
[in]dstLenLength of dst buffer (in characters)
[in]srcSource string to encode
[in]srcLenLength of src string (in bytes)
The length of the encoded data or wxCONV_FAILED if the buffer is not large enough; to determine the needed size you can either allocate a buffer of wxURLEncodedSize(srcLen) size or call the function with NULL string in which case the required size will be returned

◆ wxURLEncode() [2/4]

wxString wxURLEncode ( const char * src,
size_t srcLen )

URL encoding function which encodes the contents of a string of the specified length into the wxString.

[in]srcSource string to encode
[in]srcLenLength of src string (in bytes)
The URL encoded string

◆ wxURLEncode() [3/4]

wxString wxURLEncode ( const wxMemoryBuffer & buf)

URL encoding function which encodes the contents of a buffer into the wxString.

[in]bufSource buffer to encode
The URL encoded string

◆ wxURLEncode() [4/4]

wxString wxURLEncode ( const wxString & str)

URL encoding function which encodes the contents of a string into the wxString.

[in]strSource string to encode
The URL encoded string

◆ wxURLEncodedSize()

size_t wxURLEncodedSize ( size_t len)

Return the size needed for the buffer containing the encoded representation of a string of given length.

[in]lenLength of string (in bytes)
Maximum encoded representation size (in characters)

◆ wxURLIsProtected()

bool wxURLIsProtected ( char chr)

Test if given character should be protected for URL encoding.

[in]chrASCII character
  • true if character should be protected
  • false otherwise

◆ wxXmlEscapeAttr()

wxString wxXmlEscapeAttr ( const wxString & str)

Escapes attribute value string for XML insertion.

[in]strAttribute value
Escaped string

◆ wxXmlEscapeText()

wxString wxXmlEscapeText ( const wxString & str)

Escapes text string for XML insertion.

[in]strText string
Escaped string

◆ wxXmlHashNode()

bool WXEXTEND_API wxXmlHashNode ( wxCryptoHash & hash,
const wxXmlNode * node )

Calculates hash of the node and all its children.

[in]hashHandle of a hash object
[in]nodeRoot node