Additional templates and function helpers for wxWidgets
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CwxAppBarDockable application bar template
 CwxAppBarDialogDockable application bar dialog
 CwxAppBarFrameDockable application bar frame
 CwxCoInitializerCreate an object of this class on stack to initialize/cleanup the COM automatically
 CwxCryptoHashCryptographics Hash Base
 CwxCryptoHashSHA1SHA-1 Cryptographics Hash
 CwxCryptoKeyCryptographics Key Base
 CwxCryptoSessionCryptographics Session Base Class
 CwxCryptoSessionRSAAESRSA AES Cryptographics Session
 CwxFQDNListValidatorValidator for FQDN lists
 CwxFQDNValidatorValidator for FQDN
 CwxHexValidatorValidator for hexadecimal entries
 CwxHexValidatorBaseBase class for hexadecimal validator
 CwxHostNameValidatorValidator for host name
 CwxObjectWithDataHelper template for event user data
 CwxPersistentAuiManagerSupports saving/restoring wxAuiManager state
 CwxPersistentTLWExSupports saving/restoring wxTopLevelWindow state